Terms & Conditions

Welcome to Post Landing Document Clearing Services (PLSDCS).

The following terms and conditions govern your use of the PLSDCS website located at https://www.plsdcs.com/. By accessing and using this website, you indicate your acceptance of these terms and conditions. If you do not agree with any part of these terms and conditions, please refrain from using the PLSDCS website and its services. The terms “Client,” “You,” and “Your” refer to you, the user of this website, who complies with the terms and conditions of the company. The terms “The Company,” “Ourselves,” “We,” “Our,” and “Us” refer to our company. The terms “Party,” “Parties,” or “Us” refer to both the Client and ourselves. All terms used in these terms and conditions, including any agreements, such as the Privacy Statement and Disclaimer Notice, are interchangeable and refer to the same.


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Terms & Conditions – Personal Loan Facilitation

PLSDCS (the Company) can assist the Client to obtain a personal loan. The Company can facilitate a personal loan between the Client and a Third Party financial institution. In case the Client instructs the Company to assist with the facilitation of a personal loan, both Parties agree as follows:

This service is available exclusively to Indian nationals who wish to facilitate a personal loan with an Indian financial institution. In order to apply for the personal loan, the client agrees to the terms and conditions of but not limited to the Bank, the Financial Institution and/or the Licenced Banking Agent who is there to facilitate the loan on behalf of the client. The client agrees to provide the basic documentation in colour copy to proceed for an initial approval:

• ADHAR card
• PAN card
• Passport copy
• 3 months pay slips
• Proof of employment
• 6 months bank statements
• Address Proof in India (if living in India)
• Co-applicant address proof in India
• ADHAR and PAN card of the co-applicant

Terms and Conditions:

• The Client agrees to pay a minimum of US$500 to US$1,000 + tax as the initial amount towards starting of the application process. This amount of US$500 to US$1,000 + tax will vary from application to application and upon the case which is solely decided by the Company.
• The Client agrees and understands that sole decision on the Loan application is based on the Bank and/or the Financial Institution and has nothing to do with the company or its representatives.
• The client agrees that the Company holds no responsibility and/or liability for the documents and information that are provided by the Client to the Bank, the Financial Institution and/or the Licenced Banking Agent during the entire loan application process.
• The client agrees that the Company is not responsible for any penalties, fees, interest, and/or any type of other financial consequences imposed by the Bank, the Financial Institution and/or the Licenced Banking Agent.
• The Client agrees that the Company will receive a notification from the Bank, the Financial Institution once the loan has been approved and the funds have been received in the clients bank account.
• Upon successful disbursement of the loan amount from the Bank, the Financial Institution to the Client, the Client agrees to proceed with the payment for the services rendered by the Company within 2 (two) business days. Failure to comply with this clause the client gives the right to the Company to either, o Forfeit the initial fees paid and close the file or o Charge a late payment fee of US$450 + tax and keep the application on hold.

Refund Policy
1. In case the Loan from the Bank, the Financial Institution and/or the Licenced Banking Agent is refused in the first approval or eligibility stage then the Client agrees to either:

a. Take back the full refund of the initial payment from the Company or b. Pay the balance to the Company and proceed with the application.

2. If in case the Loan from the Bank, the Financial Institution and/or the Licenced Banking Agent is approved but rejected due to verification process then the Client agrees to either:

a. Pay the balance to the Company and proceed with the application or b. Forgo the initial fees paid and close the file.

3. The refund policy of the application is completely based on the client terms & conditions as mentioned below.


Client Terms & Conditions

التزامات الشركة:

Company Obligations:

1-تتعهد الشركة وبناء على تعليمات العميل الكاملة والواضحة بتقديم نصيحة استشارة مستندات والمساعدة في المستندات الخاصة بكيفية تمكن العميل من الالتزام بالمستندات المطلوبة للتقديم على طلب تأشيرة كامل وصحيحة للدول ذات الصلة. 

1. Upon full and clear instructions from the Client, the Company undertakes to provide documentation consultancy advice and documentation assistance on how the Client can best comply with the documentation requirements to apply for a valid and complete visa application for the relevant country.

التزامات العميل :


2- تكون كافة المعلومات والمستندات المقدمة للشركة أصلية وسارية وقانونية وصحيحة من كافة النواحي. وتكون المعلومات أو المستندات الوهمية أو المزيفة أو المُضللة بما في ذلك مستندات الهوية عبارة عن جريمة جنائية وتؤدى الي رفض مراجعة الطلب أو التأشيرة وتكون أية تأشيرات ممنوحة بناء على تلك المستندات ـأو المعلومات لاغية. في حالة وجود أي معلومات و / أو مستندات فيما بعد غير ذلك، فإن الشركة غير مسؤولة عن أي التزامات أو تبعات أو إجراءات من أي نوع ؛

2.All information and documents provided to the Company shall be true, valid and legal and correct in all respects. Bogus, false or misleading information or documents, including documents of identity, is a criminal offence and can result in visa and review application being refused; and any visas granted on the basis of those documents or information being cancelled. In the event of any information and/or documents are subsequently found to be otherwise, the Company is not responsible against any liabilities, consequences or actions whatsoever;

3- يبلغ العميل الشركة بأي تغيير في العنوان وبيانات الاتصال أو في حالة وجود أي تغيير في ظروف العميل من شأنها أن تؤثر على الطلب في غضون 3 (ثلاثة) أيام من حدوث التغيير.

3. The Client shall notify the Company of any change in address, contact details or if there is any change in the Client’s circumstances, which may affect the application, within 3 (three) days of the change;

4- لا يجوز للعميل بيع ممتلكات أو ترك الوظيفة أو إنهاء أعماله أو أموره الشخصية حتى يستلم استشارة أو موافقة كتابية من الدائرة الحكومية المعنيه.

4. The Client shall not sell property, leave employment or finalize business or personal matters until written advice or approval has been received from the respective Government department;

5- يوافق العميل على تقديم مستنداته / مستنداتها للشركة في غضون (20) عشرين يوما عقب استلام قائمة المستندات المرجعية. وفي حالة تأجيل تقديمها لن تكون الشركة مسئولة عن أيه تغييرات مرجعية في القوانين والسياسات والإجراءات واللوائح من شأنها أن تؤثر سلبا على طلب العميل. وفي حالة حدوث تلك التغييرات في أي وقت من أي من السلطات المعنية وأي مدفوعات مرتبطة بالشركة على سبيل المثال لا الحصر أي وكافة الخدمات حسب القيم الفعلية.

5. The Client agrees to submit his/her documents to the Company within 20 (twenty) working days after receiving the documentation checklist. If delayed, the Company will not be responsible for any retrospective changes in the laws, policies, procedures and regulations that may adversely affect the Client’s application. In the event of any such changes, at any given point of time, from any of the relevant authorities, the Client then agrees to pay the appropriate fee to the relevant authorities and any related disbursements to the Company including but not limited to any and all add-on services as per actuals;

6- عند ملئ استمارة المعلومات يتطلب من العميل الإجابة على كافة الأسئلة بدقة وبشكل كامل وفي حالة إرجاع استمارة بيانات العميل الي الشركة بسبب بيانات ناقصة فستقوم الشركة بإرجاعها للعميل للتعديل.

6. In completing the Client Information Questionnaire, the Client is required to answer all questions accurately and completely; where the Client Information Questionnaire is returned to the Company with missing information the Company will return it to the Client for amendment;

7- الصيغة المقبولة للمستندات

7. Acceptable documentation formats:





السيرة الذاتية



Resume / CV

صورة بحجم صورة جواز السفر

جي بي جي – جي آي إف – بي إن جي


Passport-sized photograph(s)

المستندات الأخرى

بي دي إف


Other Documentation

8- مطلوب من العميل تقديم نسخة ملونة بالمساح الضوئي من المستندات الأصلية. ويضمن العميل أن نسخ المستندات مقبولة بواسطة الشركة.

8. The Client is required to provide colour scans of original documentation. The Client shall ensure that copies of documentation is accepted by the Company;

9– لا يتجاوز الحد الأقصى لحجم الملف 3 ميجابايت

9. The maximum size of a file must not exceed 3MB;

10- يقدم العميل الموافقة على استخدام ونشر أسمائهم وصورهم و / أو مقطع (مقاطع) فيديو خاصة بهم (والتي قد تحتوي على صورهم) في أي من منشوراتهم و موادهم (بما في ذلك المواد الكتابية والالكترونية والوسائط المتعددة) لتوزيعها في أي مكان في العالم للترويج التعليمي أو أغراض الإبلاغ. كما يقر العميل بأنه ليس له الحق في أية أجور أو عائدات أو أية مدفوعات أخرى فيما يتعلق باستخدام صورتهم (صورهم) و / أو الفيديو (الفيديوهات) الخاصة بهم.

10. The Client provides consent to use and publish their name and the photograph(s) and/or video(s) (which may contain their image) in any of its publications and materials (including written, electronic or multimedia materials) for distribution anywhere in the world, for educational, promotional or reporting purposes. The Client also acknowledges that they are not entitled to any remuneration, royalties or any other payment in respect of the use of the photograph(s) and/or video(s);

11- مطلوب من العميل تتبع حالة طلباتهم من خلال بوابة العميل الالكترونية للتحقق من الرسائل الواردة على عنوان بريدهم الالكتروني من أجل أية مراسلات مرسلة من الشركة.

11. The Client is required to track the status of their application through their Online Client Portal and to check the inbox of their registered email address on a regular basis for any communication sent by the Company.

تجهيز طلب العميل


12- يقع القرار النهائي الصادر في الطلب المقدم للسلطات المختصة على عاتق تلك السلطة وحدها ويكون خارج سيطرة أو نفوذ الشركة.

12. The final decision on any application submitted to the relevant authority lies solely with that authority and is beyond the control or influence of the Company;

13- في حالة رفض الطلب (على سبيل المثال لا الحصر بسبب طلب حكومة الدولة /الإقليم تقييم المهارات وطلب التأشيرة) وفي حالة أصدر العميل تعليمات للشركة في متابعة إعادة التقييم و / أو استئنافه فيوافق العميل على سداد الرسوم المناسبة للسلطات المختصة وأية مدفوعات مرتبطة بذلك للشركة لخدمات جمع المستندات الإضافية على سبيل المثال لا الحصر أي وكافة الخدمات الإضافية حسب القيم الفعلية

13. In the event that an application is rejected (includes but is not limited to skills assessment application, state/territory government application and visa application) and if the Client instructs the Company to proceed with a re-assessment and/or appeal, the Client agrees to pay the appropriate fees to the relevant authority and any related disbursements to the Company for the additional documentation collection services including but not limited to any and all add-on services as per actuals;

14- في معظم الحالات، ستقدم سلطة التقييم المختصة إعادة تقييم و / أو خيار الاستئناف في حال عدم موافقة العميل على النتيجة الأولية السلبية. وفي حالة رفض السلطة المختصة إعادة تقييم العميل و / أو استئنافه فتكون رسوم الطلب الخاصة بإعادة التقييم المدفوعة للسلطة المختصة غير قابله للرد.

14. In most cases, the relevant assessing authority will provide a re-assessment and/or appeal option if the Client does not agree with the initial negative outcome. If the relevant assessing authority rejects the Client’s re-assessment and/or appeal application, the service fees paid to the Company and/or application fees paid to the relevant assessment authority is not refundable;

15– يكون الوقت التقريبي لإجراء طلب و / أو طلب الدولة أو الإقليم تقييم المهارات اثنا عشر أسبوعا بمجرد استلام سلطة التقييم المختصة كافة المستندات المطلوبة للتقييم. وقد تستغرق بعض الطلبات وقت أـطول حسب تعقيد الحالة و / أو معيار الاختيار الخاص بحكومة الدولة / الإقليم. حيث أن كل حالة مختلفة وقد يختلف الإطار الزمني بناء على نوع القضية والتحقيقات التي قد تكون مطلوبة.

15. The approximate processing time of a skills assessment application and/or state/territory application is twelve weeks once the relevant assessing authority receives all documents required for the assessment. Some applications may take longer depending on the complexity of the case and/or the selection criteria of the state/territory government. As each case is different, time frames can vary depending on the type of case and the investigations that might be required;

16- يتم قبول حالة العميل من قِبل شريكنا الدولي المعتمد مع مراعاة أهلية العميل في يوم قبول هذه الاتفاقية وتوقيعها. 

16. The Client’s case is accepted by our authorized International Associate considering the eligibility of the Client on the day of acceptance and signing of this Agreement;

17- يفوض العميل بموجب هذه الاتفاقية الشركة بإسناد كل أو جزء من العمل الي وكيلها الدولي المعتمد عند الاقتضاء.

17. The Client hereby authorises the Company to outsource portion/part or all of the work to its authorized International Associate as and when required;

18- يتم سداد كافة المدفوعات المستحقة بموجب هذه الاتفاقية الي الشركة حسب شروط وأحكام السداد الخاصة بالشركة وحسب طرق السداد المصرح بها.

18. All payments due under this Agreement will be paid to the Company and as per the Company’s payment terms and conditions and authorized payment methods;

19- الشركة عبارة عن شركة استشارت وثائق فقط ولن تكون مسئولة عن ولن تتحمل مسئولية أية تغييرات بأثر رجعي في القوانين والسياسات والإجراءات واللوائح التي قد تؤثر بشكل عكسي على طلب العميل المقدم للسلطات المختصة و / أو الدوائر الحكومية.

19. The Company is only a documentation consultancy company and will not be liable or held responsible for any retrospective changes in the laws, policies, procedures and regulations that may adversely affect the Client’s application to the relevant authority and/or Government department;

20- يوافق العميل ويكون على دراية كاملة بأن الشركة هي عبارة عن شركة استشارات وثائق ولا تستطيع منح أية ضمانات للحصول على أي نوع من التأشيرات. 

20. The Client agrees and is well aware that the Company is only a documentation consultancy firm and cannot give any type of guarantee for obtaining any type of visa;

21- لن يتم اعتبار ان الشركة انتهكت هذه الاتفاقية في حالة عدم قيامها بالوفاء بالتزاماتها بسبب القوة القاهرة التي تحدث بعد تاريخ ابرام هذه الاتفاقية بين العميل والشركة. ومن أجل غرض هذه الاتفاقية القوة القاهرة تعني ” أي ظرف لا يخضع للسيطرة المعقولة للشركة ولكن فقط في حالة وفي حدود (1)   الظرف الذي لا تستطيع الشركة منع حدوثه  او التسبب في منعه أو تجنبه أو ازالته (على سبيل المثال لا الحصر القضاء والقدر وأفعال الحذف من قبل ايه حكومة أو أي قواعد أو لوائح أو أوامر صادرة بواسطة أية سلطة أو دائرة أو وكالة حكومية أو الحرائق أو الفيضانات أو العواصف أو الزلازل أو الحوادث أو الحروب أو انقطاع التيار الكهربائي و (2) أن يؤثر هذا الظرف تأثيرا ماديا; ويؤثر سلبا على قدرة الشركة على الوفاء بالتزاماتها بموجب هذه الاتفاقية .  

21.The Company will not be considered in breach of this Agreement to the extent that performance of their obligations is prevented by an Event of Force Majeure that arises after the date this Agreement is executed between the Client and the Company. For the purpose of this Agreement, an ‘Event of Force Majeure; means any circumstance not within the reasonable control of the Company, but only if and to the extent that (i) such circumstance cannot be, or be caused to be, prevented, avoided or removed by the Company (including but not limited to the following: acts of God; acts or omissions of any government; any rules, regulations or orders issued by any governmental authority, department, agency; fire; flood; storm; earthquake; accident; war; power outage; and (ii) such circumstance materially; and adversely affects the ability of the company to perform its obligations under this agreement.

22- من المتفق عليه بين الطرفين أن رسوم الخدمات والمسددة من طرف العميل غير قابلة للرد بصرف النظر عن نتيجة طلب العميل.

22. it has been agreed between the parties that the service charges which are paid by the customer are not refundable regardless of the outcome of the Client’s application.

23-لن تعيد الشركة أي من اجمالي رسوم الخدمات والنفقات الفعلية التي تحملها العميل وسيحق للشركة الحصول عليها بالكامل في حالة.

23. The Company will not refund any of the total service fees and actual expenses incurred by the Client and will be entitled to retain full payment if:

(أ) بمجرد توقيع العميل على هذه الاتفاقية وبعد ذلك أبدى / أبدت العميل عدم رغبته في المتابعة لأي سبب مهما كان.

(a) Once the Client signs this Agreement and then he/she does not wish to proceed further for any reason whatsoever;

(ب) يلغى العميل طوعًا الطلب في أي مرحلة؛

(b) The Client voluntarily withdraws the application at any stage;

(ج) اخفاق العميل في انجاز إجراءات الهجرة عن طريق عدم حضور المقابلة و/ أو عدم الخضوع للكشف الطبي أو بأية طريقة أخرى.

(c) The Client fails to complete the immigration process by non-appearance in interview and/or by not undergoing the health examination or by any other way;

(د) عدم تعاون العميل لغرض انجاز هذه الاتفاقية بأي طريقة.  

(d) The Client does not co-operate towards completion of this Agreement in any manner;

(ه) عدم اكتساب العميل معلومات ومعرفة وتعليم ومهارات بما في ذلك الحاسب الآلي حسب نصيحة الشركة

(e) The Client does not acquire information, knowledge, education and skills including computer skills as per the advice of the Company;

(و) عدم تحقيق العميل نتائج نظام اختبار اللغة الإنجليزية الدولي المطلوبة (أيلتس)، أو نتائج اختبارات اللغة الإنجليزية الأخرى المقبولة، والتي قد تؤثر على استحقاق العميل وطلبه؛

(f) The Client does not achieve the required International English Language Testing System (IELTS) results, or results of other accepted English language tests, that may affect the Client’s eligibility and application;

(ز) رفض الطلب بعد أن يراسل العميل أو يتواصل مباشرة مع السلطات المعنية و/أو الدوائر الحكومية دون موافقة كتابية من الشركة.

(g) The application is refused after the Client corresponds or communicates directly with the relevant authority and/or Government department without written consent of the Company;

(ح) ) انتهاك العميل لكافة أو أي من بنود هذه الاتفاقية عن طريق تقديم معلومات خاطئة و / أو ارتكاب أي نوع آخر من الاحتيال أو التحريف أو بأي طريقة أخرى.

(h) The Client breaches all or any of the terms of this Agreement by providing false information and/or commits any other sort of fraud or misrepresentation or by any other means;

ط) في حالة أصبح من المستحيل تحقيق هدف الاتفاقية لأسباب مثل أن لدى العميل مشكلات صحية أو تهم جنائية / مدنية أو لأسباب الأمن القومي للدولة المتجه اليها أو تغييرات في سلطة التقييم أو قواعد الدوائر الحكومية و / أو أية أسباب أخرى.

(i) If it becomes impossible to meet the objective of the Agreement due to reasons like the Client having medical problems, having criminal/civil charges, national security reasons of the destined country, changes in assessing authority or Government department rules and/or any other reasons;  

24-يجب سداد كافة رسوم الخدمة والمصروفات المستحقة بموجب هذه الاتفاقية مع ضريبة القيمة المضافة أو أي ضريبة مماثلة (إن وجدت) ويتم تحصيلها بشكل صحيح في أي ولاية قضائية كما هو مطلوب

24. All service fees and expenses payable pursuant to this Agreement must be paid together with value added tax or any similar tax (if any) properly chargeable thereon in any jurisdiction as required.

فسخ الاتفاقية


25- رسوم الخدمة ليست سوى استشارة للتوثيق ورسوم استشارات التحصيل للشركة ولا تشمل تذاكر الطيران إلى وجهة العميل، وشهادة (شهادات) التخليص الشرطي والفحوصات الصحية. يجب أن يتحمل العميل جميع رسوم السلطات الأخرى ذات الصلة في الواقع. رسوم الخدمة غير قابلة للاسترداد بغض النظر عن نتيجة طلب العميل.

25. The service fees are only a documentation consultancy and collection advice fee of the Company and do not include air tickets to the Client’s respective destination, police clearance certificate(s) and health examination(s). All other relevant authorities’ fees must be borne by the Client at actuals. The service fees are not refundable regardless of the outcome of the Client’s application.

26- إذا تم إلغاء أي من الرسوم المذكورة أعلاه و / أو عدم استلامها من قبل الشركة بحلول الموعد المتفق عليه لأي سبب من الأسباب، فسيتم تعليق طلب العميل بأثر فوري من قبل الشركة مع فترة سماح مدتها شهر واحد. لكي يستمر الطلب أكثر، سيتعين على العميل دفع مبلغ الرصيد المعلق بالكامل بالإضافة إلى رسوم غرامة قدرها 450 دولارًا أمريكيًا، خلال فترة السماح التي تبلغ شهرًا واحدًا. إذا تجاوز العميل فترة السماح البالغة شهرًا واحدًا، فسيتم إغلاق التطبيق وبوابة العميل عبر الإنترنت وهذا العقد، وسيتم تطبيق سياسة عدم الاسترداد. إذا قرر العميل استئناف طلبه بعد فترة السماح التي تبلغ شهرًا واحدًا، فسيتطلب العميل تقييمًا جديدًا واتصالًا جديدًا ودفع رسوم الخدمة المطبقة في ذلك الوقت.

26. If any of the above fees are cancelled and/or not received by the company by the agreed date for any reason whatsoever, then the application of the client will be placed on hold with immediate effect by the company with a one-month grace period. For the application to continue further, the client will have to pay the full pending balance amount in addition to a penalty fee of US$450, within this one-month grace period. If the client exceeds the one-month grace period, then the application, the Online Client Portal and this contract will be closed, and the no-refund policy will apply. If the client decides to resume their application after the one-month grace period, the client will require a new assessment, new contract and pay the service fees applicable at that time.

27- في حالة مراجعة العميل مباشرة أي سلطات حكومية وغير حكومية و / أو جهات ذات صلة بطلبه وعدم اتباع الطريق المناسب حسب نصائح الشركة.

27. If the client approaches any government, non-government authorities and/or any relevant bodies related to their application directly and doesn’t go through the appropriate channel as advised by the Company;

 28- تُحكم وتُفسر هذه الاتفاقية وفقا لقوانين امارة دبي الامارات العربية المتحدة أي نزاع ينشأ من أو فيما يتعلق بهذه الاتفاقية بما في ذلك أي سؤال بشأن وجودها أو سريانها أو انهائها يخضع للاختصاص القضائي لمحاكم امارة دبي.

28. This Agreement will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Agreement, including any question regarding its existence, validity or termination, shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the Courts of the Dubai

مستجدات/ مستوى خدمة الاتفاقية


29-يكون البريد الالكتروني هو الوسيلة الرسمية والرئيسية للمراسلات الكتابية. ويوافق العميل على التواصل مع الشركة من خلال أي من طرق الاتصال الأخرى على سبيل المثال لا الحصر الرسائل النصية ووسائل التواصل الاجتماعي (سكايب، واتساب، فايبر والفيسبوك والخ. لترتيب مواعيد أو تقديم معلومات يكون تصرف غير مقبول وتحتفظ الشركة بالحق في عدم الرد على أي استفسار غير مرسل عن طريق البريد الالكتروني الي  و/أو أي عنوان بريد الكتروني آخر يقدمه العميل كتابة

29. Email is the official and primary means of written communication. The Client agrees that contacting the Company through other methods of communication, including but not limited to, text messages, social media (Skype, WhatsApp, Viber and Facebook etc.) to arrange appointments or to pass information is not acceptable practice and the Company reserves the right not to respond to any query which is not sent by email and/or any other email address that is instructed in writing to the Client;

30- ستكون أية مستندات من الشركة متاحة للتحميل من بوابة العميل الالكترونية

30. Any documents from the Company will be made available to download from the Online Client Portal;

31- سيتم تقديم الخدمة بشكل معقول وفقا لمعايير الأداء ومستوى الخدمة الموصوف في مستندات المخطط الزمني

31. The services will be rendered in a reasonable manner, in accordance with the performance standards and service levels described in the Documentation Timeline Chart.

32- .32 لقد قرأ العميل هذه الاتفاقية وشروطها وشروط الدفع، وهو على استعداد لأخذ مشورة استشارية التوثيق لتطبيقها وفقًا لهذه الاتفاقية وسوف يلتزم بجميع شروطها وبنودها. تمت قراءة هذه الاتفاقية من قبل العميل وفهم محتوياتها بالكامل. يوافق العميل على أن جدول رسوم الشركة يشكل جزءًا لا يتجزأ من الاتفاقية الرئيسية ويتم تنفيذه بواسطة العميل مع الشركة. الرسوم المدفوعة للشركة هي عبر بوابة دفع عبر الإنترنت تابعة لجهة خارجية وتخضع أيضًا لمعدلات تحويل الدولار الأسترالي، وقد يتم تطبيق الرسوم الإدارية والرسوم الإضافية ورسوم الخدمات الأخرى ذات الصلة.

32. The Client has read this Agreement, its conditions and the Payment Terms and is willing to take documentation consultancy advice for their application as per this Agreement and will abide by all its conditions and clauses. This Agreement has been read by the Client and he/she has fully understood its contents. The Client agrees that the Schedule of Fees of the Company forms part and parcel of the main Agreement and is executed by the Client with the Company. The Fee(s) paid to the company are via third party online payment gateway and are subject to Australian dollar conversion rates, administrative charges, surcharges, and other relevant service charges may also apply.

33- يمكن تغيير و / أو تعديل شروط وأحكام هذه الاتفاقية في أي وقت تعتبره ضروريًا من قبل PLSDCS دون إشعار مسبق لأي شخص. يتم إطلاق هذا العرض من قبل الشركة بشكل مستقل ولا توجد شراكة بين الشركة والعميل في هذا العرض. يحق للشركة وحدها تعديل هذا العرض في أي وقت.

33. The terms and conditions of this agreement can be changed and/or modified at any time deemed necessary by PLSDCS without prior notification to anyone. This offer is launched by the Company independently and there is no partnership between the Company and the Client in this offer. The Company has the sole discretion to modify this offer at any time.

أقر/نقر بموجبه بالموافقة على الشروط والاحكام الواردة في هذه الاتفاقية. أنا/نحن نكون مسئولين عن كافة رسوم الخدمات المنصوص عليها وفقا لهذه الاتفاقية.

I/ We hereby acknowledge and accept the terms and conditions outlined within this Agreement. I/We shall be personally liable for all fees for services performed in accordance with this Agreement.

During the Term and after termination of this Agreement for any reason whatsoever, the Client expressly undertakes not to do anything that might reasonably be expected to damage the business, interests or reputation of the Company and will not make or publish any disparaging remarks concerning the Company, its representatives, or the Services. Any allegation of defamation and/or actual defamation (both oral and published statements), which causes harm to the Company, will lead to termination of this Agreement and the Company has the right to pursue legal action against the Client.
The Company can facilitate Australian Qualifications of AQF accreditation via our partner Qualifications Australia (QA) (www.qualificationsau.com).
In case the Client instructs the Company to assist with the facilitation of such AQF accredited qualification, in addition to the terms outlined above, the both Parties agree as follows:

– Upon full and clear instructions from the Client, the Company undertakes to provide documentation collection and clearing advice and documentation assistance on how the Client can best comply with the documentation requirements to apply for an Australian Qualification through the Australian Qualification Framework in Australia.
– The Client agrees and understands that if the client breaches this Agreement including by not paying the dues as per the installment as set out in the Schedule of Fees, in a timely manner, the Company and QA will cease its Services with immediate effect and no form of any refund will be provided by either QA, the Company or any other relevant third party authority.
– Each of the Parties guarantees that all information which is “Confidential Information” received from the other Party before, during and after the conclusion of the terms of this Agreement shall remain confidential. Information shall, in any event, be considered to be Confidential Information if relates to pricing, discounts, if designated as confidential by either of the Parties or if it is otherwise of a confidential nature.
– Confidential Information will not be considered to be of a confidential nature if it had already been disclosed to the public at the time it was revealed to the relevant Party.
– The Client acknowledges and agrees and is well aware that:

o The final decision on any Application submitted to the Institute lies solely with the Institute and is beyond the control or influence of the Company. Therefore, the Company can’t give any type of guarantee for obtaining any type of Qualification.
o The approximate processing time from the Institute, is as per actual time taken by the Institute and completely depends on the Qualification selected by the Client. The Company has no control over the time required for the Institute to complete the decision regarding the clients Enrollment and/or his Qualification.
o The Company does not assist with the preparation of the contents of any of the Documents before or after the Client has submitted the Documents to the Company. The Company only does the collecting and processing of the required Documents on behalf of the Authorities. The Company does not change, revise/correct or review the Documents submitted by the Client prior to submitting the Documents to the applicable Authorities/Institute for assessment.
o The Client’s case is accepted by the Qualifications Australia considering the eligibility of the Client on the day of acceptance and signing of this Agreement.
o The Company is only a documentation clearing company and will not be liable or held responsible for any retrospective changes in the laws, policies, procedures and regulations that may adversely affect the Client’s Application to the relevant Institute.
o Once the Client has been accepted for enrollment through the Australian Qualification Framework, the Service and Qualification Fees are not refundable regardless of the outcome of the Client’s application and the Client is liable to pay all Fees in full.
o Once the evaluation is completed, the Institute will send the original Qualification to QA, who then resends to the Company.
o The Qualification (and marksheet(s)) will be released by the Company to the Client, only after all dues as per the Schedule of Fees, have been received by the Company.

– The Company can assign this Agreement to an entity controlling, controlled by, or under common control with, that Party (each being an “Affiliate”).

– Neither Party’s failure to enforce the other Party’s strict performance of any provision of this Agreement will constitute a waiver of the first Party’s right to subsequently enforce such provision or any other provision of this Agreement.
– In the event of any discrepancy between the contractual documents, the order of precedence is the following, except that specific portions of a lower-ranking document may supersede specified portions of a higher-ranking document expressly noted: (i) the Agreement, (ii) Schedule of Fees.
– The Parties are independent contracting parties. Nothing in this Agreement will be construed to create a partnership, joint venture, personnel leasing or agency relationship between the Parties.
– A Party shall not be obliged to perform any of its obligations herein if it is prevented from doing so by a situation of force majeure. “Force majeure” events shall include events beyond the reasonable control of the Parties, including acts of God, acts of government, acts of nature, strikes or riots, pandemic, epidemic (including any event that occurs directly or indirectly as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic) or act of war but does not include any event which the Party affected could have avoided or overcome by exercising a standard of reasonable care at a reasonable cost; or any event due to a lack of funds for any reason or any inability to pay any fees. If a situation of force majeure lasts for more than thirty (30) days, either Party may terminate this agreement upon written notice to the other Party.
– This Agreement represents the entire agreement among the Parties regarding the subject matter hereof and the Parties’ respective obligations and commitments herein. No other documents or oral or written agreements among the Parties reflect in any way on the agreements laid out in this Agreement. Whenever possible, each provision of this Agreement shall be interpreted in such a manner as to be effective and valid under applicable law, but if any provision of this Agreement shall be prohibited by or invalid under applicable law, such provision shall be ineffective only to the extent of such prohibition or invalidity, without invalidating the remainder of such provision or the remaining provisions of this Agreement.
– The Company may communicate with the Client through emails, newsletters and/or service announcements. The Client will not be able to opt-out from receiving service announcements and administrative messages.
– The Company is the exclusive partner of Qualifications Australia in the UAE. You agree not to display or use, in any manner, the Qualifications Australia trademark without prior permission.
– The Client acknowledges that acquiring a Qualification does not guarantee success in the migration process for any country, because other factors are also considered by migration authorities. Any decision from any government body with regards to migration is beyond the control or influence of the Company.
– All recurring payments will be done via third party payment gateway, unless otherwise agreed by the Company. The Client gives consent to automatically deduct the installments as specified in Schedule of Fees via the payment method on file, without additional prior notice or approval.
– All sums payable under this Agreement are exclusive of VAT, for which the Client shall be responsible.
– The Parties acknowledge the full legal force and validity of documents executed by a Party using electronic signatures under the DocuSign system and such other electronic signature systems as the Parties may agree in writing.

The client is fully aware of the refund policy:

– If this Agreement is terminated by the Client and/or Company for any reason whatsoever, the Company will not be liable for any refund of payment of administrative/service fees and actual expenses incurred by the Client, and the Company will have every right to recover any balance of payment for the Australian Qualification Fees and the Documentation Processing Service Fee due from the Client as per the Schedule of Fees of the Company attached in Schedule of Fees.
– In the event that the Institute declines to accept the Client’s Application and chooses not to continue with the Client’s Enrollment, the Company will reimburse the Client for the Australian Qualification Fees paid (excluding VAT). Furthermore, the Application process will not commence.
– If the Institute agrees to take up the Client’s Application and the Enrollment is accepted, there are no refunds.
– The Company will not refund any of the total service fees and actual expenses incurred by the Client and will be entitled to retain full payment if:

o the Client does not wish to proceed further for any reason whatsoever,
o the Client voluntarily withdraws the application at any stage,
o the Client does not co-operate towards completion of this Agreement in any manner,
o the Client breaches all or any of the terms of this Agreement by providing false information and/or commits any other sort of fraud or misrepresentation or by any other means.
o the Institute is not satisfied with the Documents provided and decides to not issue the Qualification.

Schedule of Fees will encompass comprehensive information regarding the pricing and payment conditions applicable to the qualifications and service fees provided by the Company. It is important to note that this appendix will undergo revisions corresponding to the chosen qualification.
The Client has agreed that he/she has read the entire terms and conditions, and the client payment declaration terms and also agrees to the same and is willing to take documentation collection and consultancy advice for their application. The client agrees to abide by all its conditions and clauses. The terms and conditions have been read by the Client and he/she has fully understood its contents. The Client agrees that the Schedule of Fee(s) of the Company form’s part and parcel of the terms and conditions executed by the Client with the Company. The Fee(s) paid to the company are via third party online payment gateway and are subject to dollar conversion rates, administrative charges, surcharges, and other relevant service charges may also apply. The service Fee(s) are only a documentation consultancy and collection advice fee of the Company and do not include air tickets to the Client’s respective destination, police clearance certificate(s), health examination(s) or Qualification fee(s). All other Australian relevant authorities’ Fee(s) must be borne by the Client at actuals. It has been agreed by the Client that the service charges which are paid by the client to the Company are not refundable, even if the client does not wish to proceed further for any reason whatsoever, the Client voluntarily withdraws the application at any stage and/or regardless of the outcome of the Client’s application. Payment Gateway is Powered by BMS Global.

By engaging the services of the Company and by visiting the website, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to the terms and conditions set forth in these Client Terms & Conditions for the Documentation Clearing Services.